Chiang Mai (Agenzia Fides) - “The Church is missionary by nature and she received the missionary mandate from the Risen Lord. The essential element of the mandate is the proclamation of the Word”: this is the spirit of the Asian Mission Congress to be 18 - 22 October in Chiang Mai, Thailand, says Indian priest Fr Saturnino Dias, Secretary of the Evangelisation Office of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, FABC.
In an introduction to the Congress, Fr. Dias says 2006 is an especially missionary year which calls for greater commitment on the part of all Catholics. This is year marks in fact the 5th centenary of the birth of St Francis Xavier; the 3rd centenary of the approval of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in Goa, and the birth of the first Society of Apostolic Life in Asia, founded by Blessed Joseph Vaz, Aisa’s missionary for Asia.
Fr Dias says these recurrences are a call to increase missionary awareness among the faithful helping them to deepen their faith, and it offers an opportunity to bear witness to faith in Christ and proclaim Him to all around.
Fr. Dias calls all local Churches to pray for the Congress and live it as an opportunity to examine individual efforts for mission and evangelisation. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 13/10/2006 righe 26 parole 269)