New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church in India is preparing to celebrate World Mission Sunday 22 October, with prayers and special collections, and also awareness building initiatives.
The national office of the Pontifical Mission Societies has issued posters, calendars, leaflets to diocesan PMS offices and parishes. The local theme for this year’s Mission Sunday is “How to carry Jesus’ love to the hearts of our people”, in line with the Asian Mission Congress to be held in Thailand 18 - 22 October.
“We are involving young people especially” said PMS national director Fr Ignaci Siluvai. Each bishop has written a letter to his people and parishes urging them to organise a prayerful and fruitful Mission Sunday with testimony from missionaries.
“The faith is a gift from God which we must tell people about and share. Faith must not remain buried in our heart. Like a seed which is buried in the earth bears fruit so faith must not serve as a consolation, it must penetrate life giving it meaning and taste. World Mission Day is the culmination of a process in which we celebrate our faith and proclaim Jesus Christ, the only Lord . So World Mission Sunday is a moment of communion when we experience God’s love and share it with others”.
The Pontifical Mission Societies India has prepared and distributed handbooks in different Indian languages with suggestions for celebration and reflection on the theme indicated by the Pope “Charity, soul of mission”. The week long celebration will involve young people, children, adults. The aim is to increase missionary awareness and commitment.
In a letter to Bishops urging them to encourage initiatives in parishes, religious institutions, Catholic associations and movement for this 80th Mission Sunday, Fr. Siluvai said. “On World Mission Sunday we will celebrate 80 years of generosity, communion and sharing on every continent”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 10/10/2006 righe 28 parole 278)