Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - In the present situation of crisis what Pakistan needs is national solidarity and unity and respect for the founding values of the nation, justice and peace. This emerged from a recent Seminar organised by the Commission for Justice and Peace of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan for priests, religious and lay men and women Christians and non Christians. The participants identified the country’s urgent needs and launched an appeal to the entire civil society. The principal problems identified included military operations in Belukistan; impasse in parliament; unemployment; spreading religious fundamentalism which poisons social and political life.
In a final declaration the participants called for an end to military operations in Belukistan, the cause of social instability and unrest among the people, and they said for the good of Pakistan’s political life the role of the army must be confined within the constitutional limits. They also called for an end to discrimination, illegal arrests, extra judicial detention on the part of the police and instead more effort to eliminate corruption.
Another problem raised was the question of “hatred preachers”, extremist elements who spread ethnic and religious hatred which is splitting Pakistan society instead of building it up in a spirit pluralism and tolerance. The participants call on the Pakistan government to be more decisive in fighting religious fundamentalism in society, public places, in schools and in the media because many extremist groups, free of any sort of control, are re-enforcing in their campaigns of fanaticism.
The meeting called on all Pakistanis, individuals, movements, associations, organisations to work to eradicate religious fanaticism, and to speak out in unison against injustice and discrimination against minorities. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 14/9/2006 righe 28 parole 298)