Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - The final statement issued at the end of Asian Youth Day in Hong Kong called for the Internet to be used for evangelisation particularly for the benefit of young people. A programme for Evangelisation on-line http://www.evschool.net/ started last year at Pentecost 15 May by Hong Kong diocese is bearing fruit. The Hong Kong bulletin Kong Ko Bao reports that Evangelisation on-line offers the main elements of the Christian faith to young Chinese speaking people, particular overseas.
About 200 on line students completed the first year with excellent results and have started the second year on how to evangelise. Programme Supervisor Italian PIME missionary in Hong Kong, Fr. Giovanni Giampietro said: “About 700 Christians and non Christians from 23 areas enrolled for the course most of them young people, the youngest a 13 year old boy” and all agreed the programme is en efficient means of evangelisation. “The Internet is unlimited, it needs no rooms or space. It makes it possible to communicate and share with people all over the world. I am in contact with young people all over Asia interested in evangelisation” said a 19 year old girl for St John Baptist parish. “One great advantage of the Internet is its flexibility. We all study or work and cannot attend lessons but be can share opinion chatting to other people”. Mrs Li, the directress of the programme said: “The overseas Chinese community in Los Angeles is organised and active... In places where not everyone has a computer texts are printed and distributed.”
Hong Kong diocese Evangelisation on-line programme was an idea of local young people to evangelise overseas communities and spread the Gospel among those who have yet to hear the Good News. The programme is in Chinese and English, three to four hours per week for study and sharing. Most of the overseas on line students live in the United States Australia, Canada, and also in Brunei and Peru. (Agenzia Fides 11/09/2006 Righe: 49 Parole: 574)