Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - “The cries of the poor and the victims of war reach our hearts, but in Lebanon life has resumed since the fighting stopped: refugees have returned home, schools and markets have opened, rebuilding is underway and people have started to hope again”, Fides was told by Near East Jesuit Provincial Fr Fadel Sidarouss,.
“Military combat stopped on 14 August, the eve of the feast of the Assumption- says Fr Fadel -. Since then almost one million people have returned to their towns and villages, to their homes if still standing or somewhere else and are trying to resume normal activity in this post war period. Rebuilding of destroyed infrastructures began immediately with the involvement of individuals, sponsors, political parties, government, and promises of help from Arab and foreign countries. Gradually basic necessities appeared again at the market. Schools and universities prepare to reopen perhaps only a few weeks later than as usual. The process reveals Lebanese vitality and temperament”.
The priest said “the challenge at the moment is political, diplomatic and religious. There are neither winners nor losers. UN Security Council Resolution 1701 is a point of debate. National unity must be reached”.
With regard to the Religious communities Fr. Fadel said “none of us were directly affected but at our social centre in Beirut we were swamped with requests for assistance from poor people whose living conditions deteriorated because of the war”.
The Jesuit community in Lebanon supplies medicines to 60 chronic invalids, study grants to 20 students and financial help to several couples of unemployed parents with children. Committees for Social Activities of Notre Dame de Jamhour College and Saint-Grégoire College will launch a special campaign all through the new school year.
Fr. Fadel says “it will not be easy financially for our academic institutes, two schools, three colleges, one institute for higher studies and one university, to keep their education programmes running in this new school year 2006-2007. However they hope to continue to offer study grants to pupils from families in difficulty”. The Jesuits in Lebanon aim to build a fund of one million dollars for university study grants because keeping students at university is a way of helping families to stay in the country. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 11/9/2006 righe 28 parole 289)