EUROPE/HUNGARY - “Many challenges, one proposal: Brotherhood” - international Brotherhood Day organised by the Focolari Movement to commemorate tragedy 50 years ago

Friday, 8 September 2006

Budapest (Agenzia Fides) - Saturday 16 September at least 11,000 people from 64 different countries are expected to gather in Budapest SportArena for an International Brotherhood Day organised by the Focolari Movement to commemorate a national tragedy 50 years ago, and to propose another revolution led by “God’s volunteers” a group started in that same year, as a branch of the Focolari movement.
Humanity of the 21st century in the face of situations of unbalance caused by a globalised market economy and widespread illegality, needs policies at the service of the common good, communication free of influence from economic and political powers. From this event in Budapest the Focolari will offer a solution: brotherhood. This proposal will be presented with testimony and experience from people in different cultural contexts and social environments eastern and western Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa. There will also be a presentation of “Economy of Communion” applied to production and service companies, and the cultural vision it promotes; emphasis will be given to the impact of Brotherhood on the crucial question of legality; the potential of the media to build the human family in unity in diversity; the impact of Brotherhood on political activity, as the basis and principle of freedom and equality. The event will also include the presentation of a project of social and cultural development in Africa by means of study grants.
The depth of thought and experience presented at this Budapest Meeting, will be contributed by thousands of people. In front line the “Volunteers of God”, who strive to live the revolution of the Gospel at all latitudes and in all environments. The group was formed 50 years ago encouraged by Chiara Lubich, Focolari foundress, as a response to the cry of the people of Hungary when the country was invaded by Soviet troops in November 1956. Some 9,000 Volunteers of God will gather on the 14 and 15 September before the “Day of Brotherhood”, to reflect on the past and to commit themselves to activity in society for the future. The Volunteers of God a branch of the Focolari Movement founded in 1943. It is a movement of spiritual and social renewal which is present in 182 countries with millions of members and friends of all ages, walks of life, culture, vocation and creed, united in the same project to heal divisions, trauma and conflict at the different levels of society in view of fostering brotherhood of the whole human family. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 8/9/2006, righe 30, parole 417)
