Kuala Lumpur (Agenzia Fides) - “Christians as members of the Body of Christ are called to be His voice, His feet, His hands” says Jesuit Father O.C. Lim, editor of “Catholic Asian News” a monthly publication issued by the archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur urging Malay Catholics to take a more active part in the Church’s social apostolate. Catholic Asian News September 2006 focuses on the theme Social Apostolate which, the Jesuit explains, entails not only meeting the material needs of the poor but also listening to the Gospel in order to become “leaven” in society to promote more justice by helping to eliminate poverty, injustice and social discrimination.
“Every Christian, priest, religious or lay person is called to be informed and actively responsible to promote social and political processes to build a more just world”, Fr Lim says in the editorial titled “His voice, His feet, His hands”. Fr Lim explains that social service includes concrete assistance but also denouncing injustice and promoting respect for human rights. It means “speaking and acting on behalf of people who have no voice or are in great danger, such as immigrant workers, refugees, illegal immigrants, poor and excluded people”.
“Drawing inspiration from Jesus of Nazareth - he writes - a social worker uses his voice to spread a message of hope; walks a path to the heart of the difficulty; uses his hands to change the situation”.
The Catholic Church in Malaysia relies heavily on its lay members especially in the field of education and charity work. Catholics run 94 kindergartens, 179 primary schools, 84 middle schools, 138 high schools and colleges for a total 140,000 students many of whom are Muslims. Malaysia’s population of 25.5 million is 47.7% Muslim; 8.3% Christian (including 790,000 Catholics), with smaller numbers of Hindus, Buddhists and followers of traditional religions. The great majority of the Muslim population respects the local Catholic Church and appreciates Catholic service in schools, hospitals and charity centres. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 6/9/2006 righe 27 parole 279)