Ahmedabad (Agenzia Fides) - Numerous people of various faiths gathered yesterday 5 September in central Ahmedabad, capital of the western Indian state of Gujrat to commemorate Mother Teresa of Calcutta on the 9th anniversary of her death. “Mother Teresa -Fides was told by local Catholic sources - with her work to serve the poorest of the poor touched many hearts in India and all over the world. Since she died on 5 September 1997, every year the civil community of India, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, has always commemorated her with great affection. Still today Mother Teresa fosters unity and harmony among India’s different communities”.
The commemoration ceremony in Ahmedabad was presided by the Catholic Bishop of Ahmedabad Bishop Thomas Macwan who urged those present to follow the example of Mother Teresa and reject any sort of sectarianism, religious fundamentalism. During the ceremony after hymns and prayers for peace, flowers were placed at the foot of a statue of Blessed Mother Teresa in the city square which bears her name.
Among those present former mayor of Ahmedabad, Mr Begum Aneesa Mirza, who arranged for the dedication of the square and the erection of a bonze statue of this humble nun. In his address he said that Mother Teresa “dedicated her whole life to all brothers and sisters in need without any distinction”, and he called on Indian Christians to continue to support her Sisters, the Missionaries of Charity, who continue to serve according to Mother’s charisma in Gujarat and many other parts of India.
In the state of Gujarat, where various fundamentalist Hindu groups and movements strive to foment religious hatred, the Missionaries of Charity have several Homes for orphans, street children, terminally ill patients, people with leprosy, people with the HIV virus. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 6/9/2006 righe 25 parole 251)