Zhang Hua (Agenzia Fides) - Marian spirituality, theology of contemplation in the light of a relationship with Mary, a Marian theological reflection “Blessed are women of faith: women religious of Asia-Oceania called to be prophets of contemplative life”…: these and other themes were discussed by 56 women Religious of Taiwan during a meeting organised by the Union of Superiors General of Institutes of Consecrated Life held 11 and 12 July at the Jesuit Spirituality Centre in Zhang the diocesan bulletin of Tai Pei Christian Life Weekly, said the purpose of the meeting was to share the conclusions of AMOR 14 (Asian-Oceania Meeting of Religious) held 24 April to 4 May in South Korea on the theme “Mary and the religious of Asia-Oceania prophets of contemplation”.
About 98 religious of Asia and Oceania discussed pastoral challenges for religious in the region. The Union decided to share the spirit and message of AMOR 14 applied to the life and mission of women religious. During the meeting at Zhang Hua, participants at AMOR 14 spoke about the work underlining the importance of prayer, contemplation and eucharistic adoration. The Union president Sr Du Jin Huan, encouraged the sisters to carry the fruits of AMOR 14 to their respective communities, putting them into practice in pratica in their mission. The meeting was an occasion to deepen Marian spirituality in a spirit of profound communion.
The Asian-Oceania Meeting of Religious is held every three years in a different country and it aims to promote a spirit of sharing and solidarity, exchange of experience, and discussion on missionary work. The theme is chosen in keeping with regional needs. (Agenzia Fides 26/07/2006 Righe: 32 Parole: 354)