Tai Yuan (Agenzia Fides) - Recently in the archdiocese of Tai Yuan over 100 young men and women aged 18 to 25 attended a Course of Christian Formation held at Ge Liao Gou parish. The course was the third in a series organised for young people of all the parishes. The Course was given by local priests and women religious, the latter belonging to the diocesan congregation, the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows. Subjects included, introduction to Sacred Scripture, Theology, Christian Morals, Liturgy and Sacred Music. The organiser said: “Both participants and teachers were enthusiastic. The young people said the course opened a window giving them a better understand of the Christian faith and life, the significance of life and how to discern their particular life calling. At the end of the course several of the girls asked to know more about the religious life. Perhaps we will include the Religious Life as a subject in future courses. For the course this year we had the full support of the parish priest Fr Wang Shu Guo. Ge Liao Gou parish community comprises about 3,000 Catholics and has 3 chapels”.
The archdiocese of Tai Yuan originated from a Franciscan Mission. According to the Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2004 it has 25 parishes and about 90 places of worship, a community of 70,000 faithful, 45 priests, 30 sisters and 47 seminarians. In the territory there are two Marian Shrines, Our Lady of Grace and Our Lady of Sorrows. (Agenzia Fides 24/07/2006 Righe: 26 Parole: 293)