Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Hong Kong diocese is almost ready to host Asian Youth Day, 30 July to 5 August. Recently at the Hong Kong Caritas Centre 200 local hosting families in 32 different parishes received a special mandate from the hands of Cardinal Zen, Bishop of Hong Kong. According to the diocesan bulletin Kong Ko Bao in a public ceremony the families accepted the mission to host one or more of the young participants at Asian Youth Day who will come from Asia and other parts of the world, and to share with them God’s love for every human person. During the ceremony Cardinal Zen said: “The welcome you offer these special guests is part of our wonderful Asian culture. I encourage you to imitate Abraham, doing everything you can to make the guests comfortable. May this hospitality last even after 5 August and become part of daily life as you welcome ‘foreigners’, immigrants and the weaker sectors of the community …”.
The young people will start arriving in the Catholic parishes of Hong Kong on 28 July. Each parish will host dozens of participants and share with them the life of faith and the culture of Hong Kong. While ensuring participation at the main Asian Youth Day events, parishes have arranged special events for their guests. “This event is important in the life of the Church and also for our own life. We will give priority to the needs of our guests. We plan to take them to visit the Hong Kong Museum of Culture and other places which present our culture” said one hosting family. The theme of this 4th Asian Youth Day is “Hope for Asian Families”. (Agenzia Fides 22/07/2006 Righe: 37 Parole: 433)