Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - “It was the act of a mad man which does no good to the image of Turkey. It was an isolated episode: there is no tension or violence and Christian/Muslim relations are good as usual”: Fr George Marovitch, spokesman of the Turkish Bishops’ Conference, told Fides with regard to yesterday’s attack on French missionary priest Fr. Pierre Brunissen at Samsun. The priest had reopened Saint Mary’s Catholic church at Trabzon to replace temporarily the Italian missionary Fr Andrea Santoro shot dead on 5 February 2006. Fr Pierre lost a lot of blood and was taken to hospital but he is now out of danger. Fr George says solidarity was expressed immediately by local Muslims: “Fr Pierre is loved and appreciated by all. Numerous Muslims have offered to donate their blood should it be necessary to help Fr. Pierre. The episode was amplified by the media but it remains an isolated attitude not shared by the majority of the Turkish people”.
Fr. George recalls that Pope Benedict XVI is expected to travel to Turkey in the Autumn: “There is great excitement among Christians and Muslims. Since it will be a state visit we are not sure whether it will include a meeting with Muslim religious leaders. However it is certain that the Holy Father Benedict XVI will meet the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. We hope and pray his visit may improve ecumenical and inter-religious relations in Turkey and in Europe”. (Agenzia Fides 3/7/2006 righe 24 parole 247)