Zhou Cun (Agenzia Fides) - School holidays start in mid June in China and all over the country Catholic communities are resuming the usual Summer Pastoral activities for young people for various age groups. Zhou Cun diocese in the coastal Shan Dong province organised a 6 day Camp 16-22 June for 70 students (29 high school, 41 middle school) on the theme “Come and See” consisting of 4 seminars on, “Come and See”, “Trusting in the Lord”, “Walking with the Lord”, “Take this all of you and eat it”. The youngsters also made a two day pilgrimage to visit the famous St Michael’s cathedral in Qing Dao and were able to bathe in the sea. The students said “these days of sharing helped us overcome anxiety and solitude. In a relaxed and friendly atmosphere we learned much about the faith, about life.… On the pilgrimage we admired the beauty of the Lord’s creation. Priests and nuns are fantastic, wise, funny, they are more like elder brothers and sisters. Some boys and girls are thinking of becoming a priest or a nun”. “We experienced the Church as a family, the joy of the faith , - the students said -. We want to know more and more about Jesus and the faith. We continue to speak with the Lord intimately and with familiarity on our life’s journey, drawing near to the Eucharist, enriching our life with the handing on of the Gospel of Love”.
Parish volunteers, priests and religious have almost finished organising Summer Pastoral events: amusement and commitment, living a month of Christian growth through catechism, hymn singing, prayer, sports competitions, charity works, meeting with the elderly and the disabled. Various shrines are preparing to welcome groups of young people. (Agenzia Fides 30/06/2006 Righe: 34 Parole: 381)