Rome (Agenzia Fides) - A mission “young people to young people” is the fruit of an intuition born during the experience of World Youth Day in 2000 when Pope John Paul II asked the young Catholics present to “set the world alight with the fire of Love”. This call led to a mission “young people to young” which consists of announcing the Word everywhere, on beaches, at pubs, discos, coffee bars, using simple means, person to person conversation, music, infectious joy, shared prayer etc.
“Give yourself an opportunity” is the mission slogan. It is an opportunity for young missionaries to announce Christ and it is an opportunity for those who receive it for the first time .
The young people involved will be about 400-500 young members of Franciscan Fraternities accompanied by assistant Friars and other Franciscan religious.
The experience is also seen as a mission to the poor and the excluded. In fact the young missionaries will also visit city prisons and CEIS communities in Lucca. (AP) (22/6/2006 Agenzia Fides; Righe:20; Parole:208)