Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - Pastoral care for students has become a constant for the Catholic community in China, characterised by a variety of forms and contents. As the priest in charge in Han Dan diocese confirms, “this sort of pastoral care is not limited to the school year, it is continual, we walk with our young people. Besides liturgical celebrations, prayer meetings, hours of adoration, Bible study, we organised activities which correspond to the young people’ tastes, and we try to combine amusement with principles of Christian life according to the different groups of students (secondary school, university…) for example Summer camps in the form of pilgrimage, students associations…. We are not only an oratory for parish or district children we are gradually becoming home for university students who study away from home. The Christian Students Association formed last year is a fruit and an eloquent witness of efforts on the part of seminarians at He Bei seminary. Today some fifty members of the association spread this form of pastoral care in neighbouring dioceses of Cang Zhou and Heng Shui…”
The Catholic community has always given maximum attention to important moments in student life such as exams or opening and closing of the school year, taking the opportunity to launch the Christian message involving the students. For the closing of the school year 2005-2006, a group of about 30 university students from Shang Hai, Hang Xhou and surrounding area went to the diocese of Hang Zhou for Mass and a Seminar on the theme “I am with you always”. During the moment of sharing the participants recognised the importance of the spiritual guidance offered by the Catholic community which allows them to experience every moment the love of the Lord.
Every year before university entrance exams start, Nan Men Li parish in the diocese of Han Dan organises a mass for Catholic students and their parents. (Agenzia Fides 20/06/2006 Righe: 36 Parole: 359)