Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - The CCA Christian Conference of Asia an ecumenical body has called for prayers for peace in the world, especially in Nepal which has suffered violence since 1996. Christians in Nepal a new member of the Conference, suffer as all the people from poverty and social and political conflict, and they are deeply committed to the cause of faith in Christ. Christian Life Weekly Tai Pei diocesan bulletin reports that in Taiwan the Christian Conference of Asia organised ecumenical prayers for peace at the Catholic parish of the Sacred Heart attended by Catholics, Anglicans, Presbyterians and Methodists. Catholic and Anglican choirs sang during the Liturgy of the Light of truth, justice, mercy, life, peace and unity. The prayers concluded with a hymn “Light of Truth”.
The Christian Conference of Asia CCA was started in 1959 in Malaysia. Its members come from 29 countries and regions of Asia. It aims to unite Christians and promote cooperation in education, evangelisation, voluntary work, development projects and regional service. In 1974 the Christian Conference of Asia CCA decided to organise prayers and some activity around Pentecost Sunday. CCA head offices were up to now Hong Kong but during the last meeting it was agreed to move them to Chiang Mai, in Thailand. The meeting also confirmed the CCA 5 year programme on three main themes: formation to unity, youth dynamism; faith, propagation of the faith, unity; impartiality, development and international commitment. (Agenzia Fides 19/06/2006 Righe: 29 Parole: 322)