Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - The national office for the Pontifical Mission Societies in Taiwan has urged Catholics in Asia to take an active part in the 1st Asian Mission Congress to be held in Chiang Mai diocese in Thailand 18-22 October on the theme “Telling the Story of Jesus in Asia”. According to Christian Life Weekly, issued by Tai Pei diocese, the Congress will culminate with the celebration of Mission Sunday on 22 October. The Congress will have four principal goals: share the joy of faith in Christ; celebrate evangelisation of Asians through real life; promote better knowledge of the Ad Gentes decree issued by Vatican II; foster new a lively evangelisation. The Pontifical Mission Societies in Taiwan encourage bishops, priests, religious and lay people, young people especially, to take an active part in the Congress signing up for it. Each diocese will be represented by at least 3 delegates. (Agenzia Fides 12/06/2006 Righe: 19 Parole: 190)