AMERICA/MEXICO - For a dignified job: transforming precariousness and injustice, recognizing workers' rights

Monday, 17 April 2023 work   human rights   exploitation   poverty   episcopal conferences  

Desde la Fe

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - Three out of ten Mexicans, according to the Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo, work in the informal sector, that is, without having access to any type of social or work benefit. Job insecurity is accentuated in the most vulnerable sectors of the population. 85% of indigenous people work in the informal sector. According to INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía), women earn 15% less than men in similar positions and have access to fewer social benefits.
These are the figures reported in the latest issue of the weekly of the Archdiocese of Mexico "Desde la Fe", which titles its editorial "For a society with dignified working conditions", thus taking up the theme indicated by the Mexican Episcopal Conference for the
Day of Prayer on Sunday 16th April. "In a world where the prices of basic goods and services are rising like foam due to inflation, more and more people are forced to accept precarious working conditions in order to survive", underlines Desde la Fe.
Citing the social doctrine of the Church, according to which work gives dignity to man, the editorial invites us to reflect on what happens when working conditions violate fundamental rights. "The work of all sectors of the population must ensure a decent salary, give the possibility of saving and guarantee free time, for cultural and recreational activities. Until this right is a reality for all Mexicans, we we will not be able to speak of a real fight against inequality or for integral well-being".
The Catholic weekly therefore
joins the intentions of the Mexican Episcopal Conference, which has invited the faithful to participate in the monthly day of prayer on Sunday April 16 to ask God "to transform the precariousness and injustice of work, to recognize the rights of workers and the efforts of employers".
The Episcopate recalls that, according to data from the Oxfam organization, the minimum wage in Mexico is the lowest of the 38 member countries of the OECD. The Covid-19 virus pandemic has further aggravated labor insecurity and injustice, the bishops point out, recalling that according to the ILO (International Labor Organization), Mexico has been one of the countries in the region where the loss of formal jobs was greatest, with a 3.5% drop in employment.
The Catholic weekly calls for solidarity in prayer. The business sector is called upon to prioritize the welfare of workers within their business systems and the government to strengthen the enforcement of workers' rights. Finally, quoting the words of Pope Francis, he invites us to pray "that no one lacks work and that everyone is fairly remunerated and can enjoy the dignity of work and the beauty of rest".
According to figures provided by INEGI, the population of Mexico in 2020 was 126,014,024. The monthly inflation rate in March 2023 was 0.27% and the annual rate was 6.85%. The unemployment rate for the labor force was 2.8% (February 2023). (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 17/4/2023)
