AFRICA/MADAGASCAR - Radio AVEC fundamental channel for evangelisation in one of the most isolated areas of Madagascar

Friday, 7 April 2006

Antananarivo (Fides Service) - Radio AVEC of the diocese of Ihosy in Madagascar, broadcasts 14 hours a day, soon 16, for a 270km radius. The Radio started in 1999 is affiliated with Don Bosco Radio in Antananarivo, the capital and the two stations work in close collaboration.
Don Bosco Radio deals with Radio AVEC matters of administration at government offices in the capital and gives technical support.
The radio’s activity is organised in five departments: direction, news writing, technicians, volunteers and technical management. Directors are Sr Augustine, a Sister of Christ a local congregation and a local Missionary of Charity priest Fr. Mombelli. Also part of the direction Bishop Philippe Ranaivomanana and the Vicar General .
As channels of information besides news agencies and press media the Radio AVEC has radio links with missionaries in impervious regions. It can transmit calls for help and also general services such as calls for blood donation and serve as a fundamental channel for communications among communities and individuals. In Ihosy communications are difficult, there is no telephone so Radio AVEC informs people when special medicines are needed or there is an important meeting or a celebration. People who need to contact other people go to the radio offices where someone helps them write and send a message.
AVEC Radio has an important missionary and social role and a vast audience. In villages without electricity every home has a battery radio with which to follow Sunday Mass, Bible explanations and other spiritual programmes.
In a region where there are almost no roads, impossible to reach in the rain season, radio is an indispensable channel for evangelisation and human promotion. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 7/4/2006 righe 40 parole 482)
