AMERICA/MEXICO - Social peace is a moral question rather than a question of laws

Thursday, 24 February 2022 social situation   politics   episcopal conferences  

Desde la Fe

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "We must not forget that the social polarization that is being experienced today throughout the country is largely a reflection of what is happening 'above', with the political class, whose stories, lines of thought, dogmas and clashes resonate across the nation. For this reason the Archdiocese Primate of Mexico - as a Church always committed to the culture of peace and understanding - invites those who make up the political class to assume the moral responsibility conferred on them by their offices, and to be tolerant towards the diversity of opinions and positions, as a path towards encounter and in favor of the common good".
This is the request presented in the editorial of the weekly "Desde la Fe" of the Archdiocese of Mexico.
In the text, sent to Fides, it is emphasized that the Chambers of Representatives, key bodies for the development of the country, "should be institutions of great moral prestige, whose members, instead of being focused on partisan objectives, should always have a broad vision to be able to objectively observe what the people need". In addition to the reforms, certainly necessary for the country, "the first thing the people need is social peace, a peace that cannot be achieved by decree, but can be promoted by example, as peace is a moral question rather than a question of laws". The editorial notes how the media have highlighted the recent discussions of legislators, "characterized more by disqualification than by a measured debate leading to consensus".
Even in the local Congress of the State of Mexico, two deputies from different camps confronted each other verbally and even threatened to get physical.
"The good times for our homeland can only arise if we live according to authentic and profound values, such as the values of the Gospel", concludes the text, which should be a fundamental principle in the political sphere: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who defame you".
The Mexican Bishops, at the end of the Assembly of the Episcopal Conference (CEM) in November (see Fides, 11/11/2021), exhorted: "Mexico can change for the better! Mexico is a believing people with great values!". They therefore invited "to set out, taking responsibility for each other… We must not be overwhelmed by individualism, greed and selfishness. Walking together in communion and unity involves overcoming fragmentation, division and political polarization". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 24/2/2022)
