AMERICA/BOLIVIA - “Building a Bolivia for everyone”: Bishops hope path to constitutive assembly will be one of “respect, dialogue and sincere searching for agreement overcoming rivalry and conflict"

Monday, 27 March 2006

La Paz (Fides Service) - The Bolivian Bishops’ Conference issued a statement “Building a Bolivia for everyone. Towards a Constituent Assembly”, in which they offer believers and all citizens of good will guidelines for building a better country with equal opportunities for all. The Bishops see the path to the constituent assembly as "a great opportunity to have hope, a sign of the times which prompts us to build bridges of encounter, reconciliation, dialogue, transparency in view of genuine democracy in which all citizens freely practice rights and duties”.
The statement has six chapters: a historic opportunity; Jesus Christ’s proposal for the person and for society; Principles for the organisation of society; fundamental values of social life; basic rights and duties for a new Constitution; Called to commitment.
The Bishops examine the present situation in Bolivia, where “peaceful and just coexistence in solidarity has not yet been reached” and where in recent years there as been “social and political deterioration”. At the same time there is increasing awareness that this is a moment to take part in making decisions for the future of the country and a “new political scene has awakened great hopes and expectations for solving persisting social and economic problems”.
The Bishops mention certain universal principles and fundamental values which should orient the political constitution of a state: primacy of the human person, the common good, universal destination of resources, subsidiarity, participation and solidarity. Moreover- the Bishops continue- “the new project for the nation must take into account social and moral values closely interconnecting as fundamental points of reference for ordered social life” such as truth, freedom, justice, charity, transparency, dialogue, social peace.
“The fundamental principles and values in the life of a country must lead to acts which defend the rights of the individual and society” the Bishops say, mentioning the right to life from the moment of conception to natural death; defence of the family based on marriage; work as a fundamental right a good with which a person expresses and increases human dignity, a means to support the family; guarantee of religious freedom for all individuals and communities; the right of parents to choose education for their children; the right to social assistance; the right to use equal use of the goods of creation; right to a worthy home for individuals and families ...
The Bolivian Bishops end the message calling on Catholics “to take an active part in this process alongside all the social forces and to criticise actions contrary to the principles and values of the Gospel”, and they say they hope path to constitutive assembly will be one of “respect, dialogue and sincere searching for agreement overcoming rivalry and conflict" ". (RG) (Agenzia Fides 27/3/2006 - Righe 37, parole 507)
