AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Present day society: the battle between culture of life and culture of death

Friday, 24 March 2006

Sante Fe della Vera Cruz (Fides Service) - On the occasion of the Day of the Unborn Child in Latin America celebrated on March 25 the feast of the Annunciation, the Cursillos de Cristiandad movement in Argentina issued a manifesto denouncing serious and growing threats to human life.
The Movement thought it opportune to issue its manifesto, in view of possible changes in the existing law in Argentina. “In a context marked by a battle between culture of life and culture of death we see numerous attacks on life” the statement reads and mentions campaigns to reduce the birth rate; campaigns to promote programmes of ‘reproductive health’ encouraging emergency contraception which provokes abortion; a mentality which sees people who are sick, elderly, disabled as burdens to get rid of; a distorted view of human sexuality which sees the human person as a consumer good; increasing paedophilia and prostitution.
The Cursillos say “human life is sacred and must be protected as a gift from God .... because He not only created it superior in the biological order He also infused it with his grace and his spirit with all its faculties such as reason, discernment between good and evil, free will”. Therefore “the profound mystery of human life and the tension with the culture of death deserve a critical attitude”, says the manifesto. In this sense “the crime of abortion cannot be regarded as a right or a freedom” “sexuality cannot be regarded as something purely genital”, , “marriage cannot be considered a contract which can be easily broken”. The Movimento di Cursillos de Cristiandad of the Republic of Argentina “repudiates all attempts to endanger human life and expresses full agreement with the Papal Magisterium”. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 24/03/2006 Righe: 26 Parole: 267)
