Taipei (Fides Service) - During Mass at Holy Family parish church in Taipei on the occasion of its first meeting this year the members of the Voice of the Catholic Church Association Taiwan prayed the Lord would bless the association and its “Beatitudes Campaign” and offered all the fruits of last year to Our Lady of Graces.
The bulletin of the archdiocese of Taipei Christian Life Weekly reported that the mass was presided by the Association’s spiritual director Jesuit Father Joseph Lee. At the meeting, chaired by Fr. Lee and Association president Chang Tchai-Tchi, participants listened to a report on the finances and activities in 2005 presented by the direction of “Voice of the Catholic Church Association Taiwan”; and discussed the Association’s web site and possible development; formation of an executive group to give new impulse to the association and the budget for 2006. The association is also considering a plan for evangelisation in Mu Dan parish and a more specific programme for youth pastoral. (Agenzia Fides 24/03/2006 Righe: 21 Parole: 197)