Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - Archbishop Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso, President of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), thanked Cardinal Juan José Omella, Archbishop of Barcelona and President of the Episcopal Conference of Spain, for the generosity of the Church in Spain which, despite the pandemic, maintained its commitment and support to the missionary activity of the Church.
According to the letter, released by the National Direction of the PMS in Spain, the Archbishop observes with satisfaction that the contribution of the Church in Spain will offer this year to the Universal Solidarity Fund, "will not differ much from the amounts offered in previous years despite the unfavorable circumstances due to the pandemic. Furthermore, this contribution is added to the 452,140.10 euros that the National Direction of Spain made available last year to the fund created to support the ecclesiastical Circumscriptions of the mission territories during the most acute period of this same pandemic".
Archbishop Dal Toso therefore expresses his "sincere gratitude, on behalf of the whole family of the Pontifical Mission Societies, to the Bishops of Spain and to all the Christian communities of this country, for their continuous and exemplary support for the missionary activity of the Church, also in the midst of difficulties. This support is not only economic, but is part of a pastoral attention to the missionary theme which has a secular tradition in Spain".
Finally, the President of the PMS addresses "a word of particular appreciation to the National Director of the PMS, Fr. José María Calderón, and to all the staff of the Direction who promote, through a great work of missionary animation, a spirit of universal ecclesial communion among the faithful of your Churches". (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 26/3/2021)