AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Work groups at 1st meeting for Church Movements and New Communities in Latin America as part of preparations for 5th CELAM Conference in May 2007: “Do not be afraid to announce Christ openly to change present day culture”

Monday, 13 March 2006

Bogota (Fides Service) - The 1st meeting for Church Movements and New Communities in Latin America held 9 to 12 in Bogota reflected on preparations for 5th CELAM Conference in May 2007
The 180 participants represented 45 Movements and Communities formed work groups to study 7 different subjects. The first group “Announcing Christ and popular piety” found that popular devotion is a threatened heritage which Movements can help protect and promote. It also agreed that every Movement must live the missionary spirit in keeping with its own charisma, inculturate popular piety and share it with others.
Group 2 on “the threat of new religious sects” found that most people who join sects were former Catholics with insufficient formation in the faith. Hence the decision to intensify extra-parish evangelisation, form groups or communities to reach out to and evangelise people on the streets, young people especially.
Another work group on “cultural challenges and moral relativism” agreed on the important role of the media to build a new culture. It proposed to : integrate Movements in local Churches with an attitude of openness; offer diocesan priests specific formation on Movements; evangelise every sector of society by being “leaven”, and not to be afraid to announce Christ openly to change present day culture.
The group which studied “Christian presence in society and politics” said although Catholics are ever more involved in Movements and social realities, a scarcity of Catholics in politics has allowed the development of a society without moral references, hence the need to have more Catholics in this field and to guarantee ongoing formation on the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Another group reflected on “Education: healing family and social fabric” agreed to try to influence national legislators with regard to respect for the human family and human dignity, promote social, political and economic policies to the advantage of families.
The group which reflected on “Creative charity and the problems of poverty old and new” stressed the importance of charity experiences which demand personal presence with the poor. Movements must respond to present day needs with concrete initiatives.
Three priorities were highlighted by the last group which discussed “Faith transmission and education” highlighted three priorities: proclaim Christ to young people with an attitude of respect and openness; offer young people a community which listens to them, accompany young people in an itinerary of formation . (RG) (Agenzia Fides 13/3/2006 righe 31 parole 312)
