Bangui (Agenzia Fides)-“We ask for an international enquiry into the massacre in Alindao” said Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, archbishop Bangui, who went to the town in south-east of Central Africa where on 15 November ex Seleka rebels of the UPS (Unité pour la Paix en Centrafrique) under general Ali Darassa killed at least 60 persons most of them homeless people sheltering in a camp close to the cathedral (see Fides 17/11/2018). The camp was sacked and destroyed and there were two victims Vicar General, Mons. Blaise Mada, and rev. don Celestine Ngoumbango, parish priest in Mingala.
The Cardinal launched an appeal to the international community to assumes its responsibilities regarding events in Central Africa, in particular because reportedly UN Peace Keeping troops MINUSCA on the ground did nothing to protect civilians (see Fides 19/11/2018)
“You come in the name of the international community to offer us help, protection and safety” said Cardinal Nzapalainga speaking over the radio of the platform of Religious Confessions in Central Africa . “Now here we see that certain forces instead of protecting the people leave them to their plight. Civilians are being killed in Alindao and elsewhere. How else can what we have seen be explained, burned human remains, homes and churches? I ask for an international inquiry to be opened to find the truth of the massacres and let justice be done ” concluded the Cardinal. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 7/12/2018)