Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – Thousands of young Christians from around the world will gather from 8 to 12 August 2018 in Hong Kong for the Taize "Pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation".
"We live this initiative as a sign of faith, hope and love, so necessary today for our world and for Hong Kong, in particular to promote justice, reconciliation and peace. We must educate our young people in this sense, so that they can contribute to transforming society. This event is an opportunity to open new paths of faith, hope and love", say Christian leaders of Hong Kong. The meeting - they say - will be a great opportunity for young people to welcome and share faith with other young people.
Archbishop Paul Kwong, Anglican Primate of Hong Kong; Cardinal John Tong Hon, Catholic Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong; Rev. So Shing Yit Eric, President of the Christian Council of Hong Kong will speak at the meeting.
Peggy Hui, a young Catholic from Hong Kong, tells Fides: "My heart rejoices. I cannot wait to meet everyone. Life in Hong Kong is lived in a frenetic manner. The meeting in Taize leads us to stop, meditate, to live life with a simple heart, to remind us that we can be in communion with our brothers and sisters in Asia".
"The pilgrimage of trust is above all an encounter, with the Risen Christ and with others. Thanks to common prayer, everyone makes himself available to God. Through sharing and hospitality, everyone accepts to overcome frontiers and differences to welcome and enrich one another", explained Frère Alois, current Prior of Taizè.
The Taizé community (in France) has become one of the most important Christian pilgrimage sites in the world. Over 100,000 young people from all over the world come here every year to pray, read and meditate on the Bible, to work together. The Taizé community is a Christian monastic order that, with an ecumenical approach, promotes peace and justice through prayer and meditation. It is made up of over one hundred Catholic and Protestant friars, who come from about thirty countries in the world. It was founded in 1940 by Brother Roger Schütz, a reformed Protestant, with the idea of serving young people and promoting unity and solidarity among them. (SD) (Agenzia Fides, 7/6/2018)