AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Bishop of Bobo-Dioulasso speaks about “traditional mechanisms” of African culture at the 1st Forum of Leaders for Peace in Burkina Faso

Friday, 28 October 2005

Ouagadougou (Fides Service)- How religions can help promote a culture of peace was the focus of the 1st Forum of Leaders for Peace in Burkina Faso held in mid October in the capital Ouagadougou.
The Forum, presided by National Assembly Chairman Mr Roch Marc Christian Kabore, comprised also religious and traditional leaders including Bishop Philippe Ouedraogo of Ouahigouya President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Burkina Faso and Niger.
The meeting was attended by 115 representatives, politicians, traditional chiefs, members of religious communities, civil organisations, government ministries and institutions.
Particular attention was given to the opening address by Bishop Anselme Titianma Sanon of Bobo-Dioulasso on traditional mechanisms and building peace.
The Bishop reminded those present that peace is a common good, violence is a collective ill and intolerance is a social aberration. Bishop Sanon explained that in African society there exist certain mechanisms which can foster a culture of peace. With anecdotes he recalled forms of mediation, reconciliation and regulation of questions of money and justice diffused in African tradition.
However this type of social relation, the Bishop said, is in crisis because of urbanisation, movement of people, spread of new pseudo religions and sects. In the discussion following the Bishop’s address participants underlined the importance of moral and spiritual values, independent and impartial mediators and reciprocal respect among individuals and communities to promote a culture of peace
The study of traditional forms of peace-making could be an example to extend to all Africa . (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 28/10/2005 righe 31 parole 326)
