AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Mission Congress: “This is the hour of the laity’s mission Ad gentes”

Friday, 3 June 2016 missionary animation   local churches   pontifical mission societies  

Bucaramanga (Agenzia Fides) – The majority of the participants at the National Mission Congress “aware that the Church is missionary and that Christ founded his Church to be missionary, agreed that this task belongs to everyone, lay people, consecrated persons, seminarians, priests, bishops, religious communities, Church movements and groups and Particular Churches; we all need to deepen our awareness of the universal mission and to respond ever more generously to Ad gentes mission, ad intra and ad extra”. These were the opening words of Conclusions (a copy of which was sent to Fides) issued at the end of Colombia’s 12th National Mission Congress held at Bucaramanga from 26 to 29 May (see Fides 16/5/2016 and following days).
The participants emphasised the need to “promote missionary spirituality , animation and formation continually in seminaries, houses of formation, among pastoral workers and among all the laity”, because “the pastoral plans of Particular, or local, Churches, still lack specific attention for mission Ad Gentes ”.
Other urgent matters include: coordination of missionary forces to avoid dispersion and guarantee more effective missionary action in pastoral work; intensify pastoral care for indigenous and Afro-descent people; further knowledge of the spiritual legacy of Saint Laura Montoya, and above all “commit ourselves to imitating her mystical spirituality, her pedagogy and her missionary afflatus: “this is the hour of mission Ad gentes on the part of the laity, we need more mission formation schools for the laity”.
The text proposes a series of commitments concerning the activity of COREMI (Comité Regional Misionero) in Colombia’s various geographical regions and missionary institutes, by means of local initiatives aimed at implementing the Mission Congress Conclusions: Regional Mission Congresses or post-Congresses, Meetings for missionary coordination, formation and animation, Intensification of PMS Pontifical Mission Societies’ activity… (SL) (Agenzia Fides 03/06/2016)
