ASIA/YEMEN - Jihadists spread terror in a girls' school in Aden

Wednesday, 9 March 2016 terrorism  

Aden (Agenzia Fides) – On Tuesday, 8 March Islamic Jihadists raided a school in Aden, where they wanted to give "a last warning" to the students who had not yet put in practice the order to adapt the clothing rules imposed by jihadist propaganda. The students were kept segregated by the terrorists in the school for a long time.
The day before, in the Yemeni port city, leaflets circulated ordering all women - including students - to adapt their clothing to the rules attributed by jihadists to the Islamic Law. In the leaflet, death threats were addressed to Jews, Christians and infidels "who dares to continue to wear indecent clothing". "We will kill anyone who violates the law of God", said among other things the ungrammatical text on the leaflet signed by Yemeni affiliates of Daesh.
Last Friday, always in Aden (see Fides 04/03/2016), a group of armed men broke into "Mother Theresa Home" and murdered four Missionary Sisters of Charity along with twelve other people, including employees, guests and elderly disabled. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 09/03/2016)
