Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - “Concern, anger and grief, a cowardly attack”: this was how the Catholic Bishops of India, in plenary assembly in Bangalore until 9 March, reacted to the massacre on 4 March in Aden, Yemen, in which 16 people were killed including four Catholic Sisters belonging to the Missionaries of Charity. One of the nuns, Sister Anselma, was Indian from the diocese of Gumla, in Jharkhand state.
Some 180 members of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India CBCI attending the plenary, gathered to offer special prayers for the victims and express sincere condolences to the Congregation founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta. “These brutal attacks on Christian missionaries perpetrated by evil minds will not discourage our commitment to serve the poor and the sick ” they added. The Bishops also expressed anxiety about Indian Salesian Fr.Tom Uzhunnalil abducted on the same day and still in the hands the terrorist murderers, calling for the prompt release of the priest.
In a message to Fides, the Missionaries of Charity affirm that following the massacre in Yemen they have no intention of giving up their activity in that country, “we will continue our service to the poor and the needy”. “Madre Teresa went, whatever the local situation, to serve in the most remote parts of the world, ” the bereaved Sisters recall. In Calcutta at the Mother House, a requiem Mass was offered for the repose of those killed during the violent attack . (PA) (Agenzia Fides 7/3/2016)