AMERICA/BRAZIL - In the wake of CAM 2 the 1st Mission Congress for Amazonia and Roraima opens tomorrow in Manaus with the slogan “Church in the Amazon, our life is mission”

Thursday, 20 October 2005

Manaus (Fides Service) - Brazil’s 1st North Regional Mission Congress (for the states of Amazonia and Roraima,) opens tomorrow 21 October in Manaus, Amazionia State in the far north of Brazil. The aim of the congress is to “gather men and women missionaries working in pastoral and social fields to reflect on the regions missionary pastoral and its ad gentes dimension, animate the different groups which are the Church’s mission forces, shoulder responsibility for mission in the Amazon, celebrate the regional Church’s growth in missionary dimension”. In the wake of the Second American Mission Congress (CAM 2), the slogan of the three day Congress which will close on 23 October, is “Church in the Amazon, our life is Mission!” and as theme for reflection “Evangelising: that all may become my disciples”.
By way of preparation for the 1st Mission Congress for the Church in the Amazon, missionary celebrations have been organised by families, pastoral sectors and groups with the help of a handbook “Mission Congress - Family Preparation”. The Congress will be attended by all the forces of the Church in the Amazon. Important participants will include Bishop Sergio Castriani, President of the Brazilian Bishops’ Commission for Missionary activity and inter-church cooperation; Fr. Guido Labontè director of the Bishops’ Conference Mission Culture Centre; Fr. Daniele Lagni national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Brazil who will speak on the theme “Ad gentes mission today 40 years since the Ad Gentes decree”. (RZ) (Agenzia Fides 20/10/2005, righe 20, parole 248)
