Qi Qi Ha Er (Fides Service) -The Catholic diocese of Qi Qi Ha Er in north east China has started a Catholic Youth Association to help young Catholics grow to maturity in the faith. This diocese has always given special attention to youth pastoral. During the official launching ceremony the association’s president Rev Qi Chang Gang presented and explained the statues emphasising the fundamental principle and aim of the group to help young people “live, love and share the faith”. He said members are encouraged to grow in awareness of the faith and work for evangelisation, to love and adore the Lord and serve others, young people especially. Activities organised by the Association will include prayer, choir, meditation and sharing on Sacred Scripture, pilgrimages. Qi Qi Ha Er diocesan community consists of 50,000 Catholics assisted by 20 priests, 15 women religious and about 10 seminarians. (Agenzia Fides 30/09/2005 Righe: 20 Parole: 193)