AFRICA/UGANDA - “Even here where the main preoccupation is how to stay alive and death is such a commonplace event that we are resigned to it, we find the strength to pray for the health of the Pope” a missionary in northern Uganda told Fides

Thursday, 3 March 2005

Kitgum (Fides Service)- “Even here where the main preoccupation is how to stay alive and death is such a commonplace event that we are resigned to it, we find the strength to pray for the health of the Holy Father” a missionary in northern Uganda told Fides. In northern Uganda where the Lord’s Resistance Army LRA has harassed civilians for years, missionaries offer assistance to displaced persons, mainly women and children, forced to live in refugee camps.
“We assure the Holy Father of our prayers for him at this difficult time. Here the situation is still tragic - the missionary said -every day the people struggle to survive. “The sight of 7 women who had had their lips ripped off by the LRA and the tiny body of a child hacked to pieces, is indelibly impressed on my mind”.
“The rebels are now groups of bandits sowing death and destruction in this part of Uganda, the missionary told Fides.
“Everyone has happy memories of the Pope’s visit to Uganda and we are close to him with our prayers” the missionary said. (Agenzia Fides 3/3/2005 righe 18 parole 191)
