AFRICA/TOGO - Pray to God who is Lord of difficult even impossible situations” : appeal from Christian religious authorities Togo in a situation of political crisis since the death of President Eyadema

Monday, 14 February 2005

Lome (Fides Service)- " In this political situation following the tragic events in our country Togo, the country’s religious communities cannot fail to voice concern" Christian leaders in Togo said in a message to the country on the national crisis following the death of President Gnassingbé Eyadema and the coming to power of his son Faure Gnassingbé Eyadema who became president with the backing of parliament after Parliament made hasty Constitutional amendments and dismissed its chairman, Famabré Natchaba who according to law in force should have assumed the position of head of state ad interim (see Fides 8 and 9 February 2005).
“Actions not in keeping with the constitution and laws of the land have produced a situation of uncertainty which is causing anxiety throughout the nation” the leaders said in a statement signed for the local Catholic Church by Archbishop Philippe Fanoko Kossi Kpodzro of Lome, also President of the Togo Bishops’ Conference, and the leaders of the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches in Togo.
“Recent events are difficult to accept. It is necessary to look to the future with lucidity and make sure that present and future deviations do not endanger security in this land of our forefathers” the religious leaders state.
“We make a pressing appeal to state authorities and political parties, civil society and the people, in its indivisible unity to give first place to dialogue, harmony and sense of the common good with respect for freedom, dignity and rights of the people so that our beloved Togo will find again the path of wellbeing, prosperity, peace in justice” say the religious authorities of Togo calling for “all parties will act with clemency, wisdom and the courage to return to justice and truth”.
They conclude with a message of hope: “The future does not look good. However, God, who through his Son Jesus Christ shows his providence for the life of peoples, is also Lord of difficult if not impossible situations. We therefore call on all Christians and all believers to pray to God and to work for justice, peace and solidarity”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/2/2005 righe 34 parole 426)
