Rome (Fides Service)- The Catholic Bishops of North African nations (mainly Muslim countries) are meeting in Rome 13 - 16 October to discuss dialogue with Muslims and juridical and pastoral questions connected with mixed marriages between Christians and Muslims.
“From our talks an encouraging vision of a Muslim world open to dialogue is emerging” Father Ramon Echeverria, CERNA secretary told Fides. “As Christians living among Muslims in northern Africa, we see that the people are really trying to find new ways to practice Islam to fit modernity. And we wonder: “how can we European born Christians living in Africa help Muslims who are open to change while respecting their sensitivity?” “Islam fundamentalism is a problem for Islam first of all. We must encourage all those within Islam who are trying to establish dialogue with the rest of the world and are opposed to violence and extremism. I think our presence in North Africa offers discreet support to these tendencies”.
CERNA includes the Catholic Bishops of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia e Libya. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 15/10/2004 righe 21 parole 209)