Rome (Fides Service)- According to a United Nations report, in the last month at least 200,000 more people have fled their homes in Darfur and the humanitarian crisis is ever more serious as Janjaweed horsemen continue ruthless attacks on civilians (see Fides 21 September 2004). What is more in this situation of terror and violence aid agencies are unable to assist at least 1.5 million people in dire need. Yesterday a British aid worker and a local Sudanese collaborator were killed when their vehicle was blown up by a land mine.
Manuel Aranda Da Silva UN co-ordinator for humanitarian aid said the risk of aid workers being kidnapped is increasing.
In recent months the international community has pressed Khartoum to take measures to stop the violence. The United Nations threatened to impose sanctions on the Sudanese government. On 22 July the US Congress approved a resolution which described events in Darfur as genocide (see Fides 22 July 2004), and Great Britain and France have said they are ready to send troops to protect civilians in Darfur.
UN secretary general Kofi Annan, set up a commission to investigate the charges of genocide.
According to the United Nations more than 50,000 people in Darfur have died, either killed in Janjaweed raids or as a result of hunger after crops were destroyed and disease because of scarcity of health structures in the country. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 13/10/2004 righe 23 parole 262)