Bissau (Fides Service)- The government of Guinea Bissau and the authors of a military revolt last week (see Fides 7 and 8 October 2004) have reached an agreement. A statement, signed by prime minister Carlos Gomes Junior, general Batista Tagme Na Waie and major Baute Ianta, in the presence of representatives of the African Union, AU, the Economic Community of West African States CEDEAO/ECOWAS and the Community of Portuguese speaking countries CPLP, said it was a revolt not a coup. The army agreed to return to barracks and to respect democratically and legally established constitutional order. The government and the army agreed there should be a restructuring of the army and asked parliament to consider granting an amnesty to all military involved in coups, attempted or successful, since 1980.
During the army revolt on October 6 chief of staff of the armed forces General Verissimo Correia Seabra and the head of army information services colonel Domingos Barros were killed.
The soldiers are demanding for payment of wages for UN Mission in Liberia, pensions to families of soldiers killed during that mission, better living conditions in barracks and the elimination of corruption and favouritism in the appointment of officers.
Guinea Bissau was plunged into a crisis with a military coup on 14 September 2003, which deposed President Kumba Yalla, accused of leading the nation to ruin.
An interim government was installed on 28 September 2003, to prepare for elections held in March this year. Next year there will elections for a new President. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 11/10/2004 righe 27 parole 320)