VATICAN - The Pope’s weekly teaching: “The future, not only of a dynasty but of humanity, is guaranteed precisely because the couple offers the world new our day the West is often incapable of entrusting its life to the future through the generation and protection of new persons”

Wednesday, 6 October 2004

Vatican City (Fides Service) - Reflecting on Psalm 44,11-18 - “The Queen and Bride” (Vespers Monday 2nd week. Reading: Ps 44,11-12.14-15.18) during his teaching at the Wednesday general Audience in St Peter’s Square on October 6, Pope John Paul II said: “After contemplating the king celebrating his wedding, our eyes turn to the figure of the bride queen. The matrimonial nature of these verses allows us to dedicate the psalm to all married couples who daily strive to live their vocation with commitment and zeal, a sign of the «great mystery», as St Paul suggests, of the "great mystery" of the Father’s love for humanity and Christ’s love for his Church”.
Attention focuses on the queen portrayed by the royal poet with delicacy and feeling. “The Psalmist insistence on the woman’s radiance is important - the Pope said - she is «resplendent» and this magnificence is expressed in the bridal gown interwoven with gold and enriched with precious embroidery. The Bible loves beauty as a reflection of the splendour of God; even clothing can be a sign of bright interior light, purity of soul”. Besides beauty he exalts joy, expression of love.
The closing words speak or another reality rooted in matrimony, the Pope said fertility. “It speaks of «children» and «generations». The future, not only of a dynasty but of humanity, is guaranteed precisely because the couple offer the world new persons. This is an important theme in our day in the West, often incapable of entrusting its life to the future through the generation and protection of new persons to carry on the civilisation of peoples and bring to completion the history of salvation.” Many Church Fathers applied the portrait of the queen to Mary. And at the end of the audience the Pope recalled that tomorrow 7 October is the feast of Our Lady Queen of the Rosary: “I encourage you to treasure this prayer so dear to the tradition of Christians - he said - Make the Rosary your daily prayer.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 6/10/2004 - Righe 24; Parole 355)
