AMERICA/PERU-Missionary missing for 5 days in the Peruvian jungle

Monday, 28 November 2011

Moyobamba (Agenzia Fides) - Father Alfonso Asencios Zuluoga, a Vincentian missionary has been missing for five days. The priest, of the parish of Our Lady de los Remedios, in La Banda of Shilcayo, belongs to the Congregation of the Vincentian Fathers. He was heading towards Chazuta on Friday, November 18, to fulfill commitments related to his priestly ministry. Because of a landslide on the road, he was unable to return to Banda di Shilcayo with his car, so he decided to walk back. According to some witnesses, who saw him on November 23, he probably headed to Santa Elena or Santa Rosa, near Chazuta, along a country road. From the information sent to Agenzia Fides, we learn that the community of the Vincentian Fathers and parishioners are organizing research expeditions, they have also mobilized teams of firefighters in Chazuta, Santa Elena, so far without any result. The civil authorities and the State Police are coordinating research expeditions. Father Ruben Pedro Borda Lopez, Superior of the Vincentian Province of Peru, said that the story is causing anxiety and apprehension in the parish of La Banda Shilcayo, and has asked residents in the Chazuta area to contribute in the reaearch. He himself went to Tarapoto to ask about the situation. The Vicentians have been present for 25 years in the Prelature of Moyobamba. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 28/11/2011)
