AFRICA/KENYA - Tragedy in Kenya food poisoning from Aflotoxin on maize Machakos diocese calls for help

Thursday, 1 July 2004

Nairobi (Agenzia Fides)- The Food Poisoning Disaster started on 8 April this year and affected parts of Kibwezi Deanery which covers Makindu, Kibwezi, Kambu and Mutito Andei parishes. There were 35 reported deaths, over 50% of the affected being children under 18 years and the rest were adults, the oldest was 75 years. The cause of the 35 deaths was Hepatitis (liver damage) caused by food poisoning, in this case occasioned by Aflotoxin - a toxin found on maize which has been stored poorly - (by ‘poorly’ here it means under damp conditions).
Machakos diocese sent Fides a report giving details of the tragedy and asking for help. The tragedy struck in April but was reported only two months later by the media.
Another alarming factor is that more than half of those who died were under 18; in fact children have less resistance to poisoning than adults.
Machakos diocese immediately set to work to help the stricken families, launching an appeal for non contaminated food and opening information points to warn people of the risk of food poisoning, particularly maize when not stored properly, and remedies for food poisoning.
This “minor” tragedy in Africa, always in difficulty, promote two reflections. The problem of food in poor countries stems also from a lack of information and training of farmers and dealers who store and sell the food as well as families who eat it. The second is even more concerning: Aflotoxin is classified as a biological weapon. The incident shows how easy it is to produce a substance similar also for inexpert people like potential terrorists. This is a warning to keep vigil that evil intentioned people do not develop knowledge and capacity in this field. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 1/7/2004 righe 23 parole 400)
