Bukavu (Fides Service)- “It is not true that the rebels have withdrawn. They are still present in at least five districts of Bukavu” local sources told Fides in Bukavu, southern Kivu, in eastern Congo taken by rebels of the RCD-Goma (pro-Rwandan group Congolese Union for Democracy). “The people live in terror. Human rights activists and journalists and anyone trying with peaceful means to keep Congo united, have gone into hiding for fear of being captured and killed. They are being hunted by special groups” local sources told Fides.
“Most of the local Radio stations including Radio Maria have closed” local Fides said. “The rebel Radio has said that the RCD militia will start house to house search to find arms. You can understand the fear among the people who know all about the night time visits of armed men who loot, rape and kill”.
“The international community cannot stand and watch these crimes against innocent civilians. The contradictions which have so far prevented correct management of the situation in Kivu must be removed, otherwise Congo will be again in flames” Fides sources conclude. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 5/6/2004, righe 20 parole 243)