Dar es-Salaam (Agenzia Fides)-“ Reforms and the budget are yet to show their impact in combating poverty” the Justice and Peace Commission of the Tanzanian Bishops Conference affirms in a report “ BUDGET REVIEW AND POVERTY ERADICATION The Pro-Poor Policy and Strategy February 2004”. The report was drafted with the help of professional Christian associations. The report also makes suggestions on how to improve the country’s economic situation, with special attention for the poorest sectors of society. “despite showing rapid growth in some sectors, such as mining and tourism, there is relatively insignificant contribution to poverty eradication.” the report says.
“ In Tanzania poverty alleviation is a long term issue. Simple solutions or proposals are not that helpful to solving the problem. Latest efforts through the Poverty Eradication Programme and the budget support policy of donors are just bringing relief to some extent. Implementation of the Poverty Eradication Programme remains top-bottom oriented ” the authors note and they call for more involvement of social organisations. “ Civil society e.g. NGOs and the private sector should play their role in economic and budgetary issues. These could serve well in the bottom - up approach as effective participants in budget planning”.
“We need social reforms which will guarantee the growth and strengthening of the local village and ward level, supported by public funding. What Nyerere (first President of Tanzania) said remains true: it is not money first, but people first that will bring effective development. Money can only bear fruit if people have learned to use it for a productive purpose” the document concludes. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 30/4/2004, righe 27 parole 303)