Brazzaville (Fides Service)- Today 26 April the Catholic Bishops of Congo are beginning their 32nd plenary assembly. The meeting which will be held at Pointe Noire and will close on May 2 has the theme “Children and Youth in society and in the Church: the child a gift of God. Youth, richness and opportunity for our times”.
The theme is connected with the last two Plenary Assemblies devoted respectively to “Women in society and in the Church” (2002) and “Man, partner of woman, in society and in the Church” (2003). The theme is the whole family, the “domestic Church”, at the heart of the mission Congo. After women and men, children and youth are now the focus of the Bishops’ attention this year.
The following people are attending the meeting: Bishop Ernest Kombo, of Owando, President of the Bishops’ Conference Congo; Bishop Hervé Itoua, of Ouesso, Vice-President of the Bishops’ Conference; Archbishop Anatole Milandou, of Brazzaville; Bishop Jean-Claude Makaya-Loemba of Pointe-Noire; Bishop Louis Portella Mbuyu of Kinkala; Bishop Daniel Mizonzo, of Nkayi; Bishop Jean Gardin, apostolic Prefect of Likouala; Bishop Bernard Nsayi, emeritus of Nkayi; Archbisop Barthélemy Batantu emeritus of Brazzaville.
Papal Nuncio in Congo, Archbishop Mario Roberto Cassar, will take part in the opening ceremony addressing message to the participants.
This year Pope John Paul II has focussed on youth offering two bible themes which will be studied during the assembly. The Pope’s Message for Lent 2004 “Who ever welcomes one of these little ones in my name welcomes me”, and the Message for 19th World Youth Day: “We want to see Jesus”. (M.T.S) (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 26/4/2004 righe 29 parole 329)