Luanda (Agenzia Fides)- “With regard to Congolese diamond diggers expelled from Angola Fides received the following report from a local Church source. “There have been several rumours with regard to operation Brilhante launched by the Angolan army at the end of March to expel Angolan and foreign diamond diggers from the diamond areas. According to the rumours, the main target was to disarm groups of former UNITA rebels (Total Union for the Liberation of Angola rebel group which signed a peace agreement in 2002) who had remained behind in remote areas to dig for diamonds illegally. These groups were said to be well armed. Reportedly among those involved in this illegal diamond digging reportedly, former UNITA army chief Abreu Muengo Ucuatchitembo known as Kamorteiro.
Although it is impossible to say whether this affirmation is true or not. However when local people in many parts of the Provinces of Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, affected by in these facts, in particular in Cacolo, Xinge, Muachihunga, Xamikelengue, Cuango, Luremo, Cafunfo, were questioned in this regard they all agreed the following: - the FAA (Angolan army) was concentrating large numbers of men and weapons in an area on the border between Lunda Sul and Bie, in the municipality of Cacolo.
Groups of former UNITA militia heavily armed were seen in three places: the border area between Bié and Lunda Sul in a village called Muachi Nguangua (torched by the FAA); at Ngungu a 5 km from Luremo; in a camp of garimpeiros north of Xamuteba municipality. These former UNITA milita groups collaborate with many foreigners, illegal immigrants from Democratic Congo and other West Africa countries, Senegal for example and this is why the FAA is expelling them systematically; - the FAA makes the men leave the camps along rivers and move to villages where the police and local traditional authorities proceed with identification; nationals can stay but non-nationals are expelled; but what is sure is that these men are also being disarmed.
Since December the FAA has voiced concern for the presence of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, mainly Congolese, in strategic provinces of the east and centre of the country (Malange, Lunda Norte and Sul, Kwanza Sul, Bié). Addressing the government news agency on April 5 Army chief of staff Agostinho Nelumba Sanjar, denounced a ‘silent invasion’ by mainly Congolese and Zambians threatening the stability of the nation. Could the wide publicity given to operation Brilhante, expelling illegal immigrants from diamond fields, be a cover up for the more delicate operation of disarming former UNITA militia still in remote areas of the country, still well armed and still protected by their former leaders who knows up to what point?” (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 26/4/2004, righe 41 parole 531)