Bissau (Fides Service)- To help de-mine the territory of Guinea Bissau, through Caritas the German government has donated the sum of 521,709 Euro to HUMAID. In a report sent to Fides Radio Solo Mansi and Caritas Guinea Bissau, say the money will be presented on 27 April during a ceremony at the National De-Mining Co-ordination Centre in the presence of the President of Guinea Bissau, the German Ambassador and representatives of Caritas and HUMAID.
HUMAID, which specialises in de-mining operations, was formed in June 1999, by a group of Guinean war veterans together with Canadian born Elaine Grimson and former US Ambassador to Guinea Bissau John Blacken. Two years of civil war 1998 1999 had left on the field thousands of unexploded mines and bombs all over the country. From the outbreak of the conflict on June 7 1998, Caritas Germany, a member of the Federation of Caritas Internationalis, was a major partner of Caritas Guinea Bissau. Caritas played a fundamental role during the conflict offering the people health and food and helping to restore normal living conditions post-war. This is why Caritas Guinea Bissau contributes towards the de-mining operations of HUMAID.
HUMAID began in January 2000 to identify and map mined areas. With the assistance of the British government, actual de-mining operations were started in May that same year. Later more funds were offered by Germany, United States, Australia, Sweden and France. Since 2000 HUMAID has destroyed 2,494 mines and more than 14,000 unexploded bombs clearing a total 410, 000 square meters.
The target is to declare the capital Bissau mine-free by the end of 2004 so that the work may continue until the entire country is liberated from this threat. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 26/4/2004, righe 28 parole 330)