Bangui (Fides Service) - Crowds of faithful gathered for the conclusion of the diocesan Year of the Rosary in the diocese of Berberati Central African Republic. Bishop Agostino Delfino, Bishop di Berberati, presided four days of celebration from 29 January to 1 February with a final meeting attended by delegations from every parish in the diocese. Reflecting on Pope John Paul II’s apostolic Letter “Rosarium Virginis Mariae” and Encyclical “Ecclesia de Eucharistia”, the Bishop reminded the people of the profound significance Sacrament of the Eucharist and the prayer of the Rosary. He said that the rosary prayer highlights the close bond between Mary and her Son Jesus and the mysteries of light reveal the Christological nature of the most important events of the public life of Jesus. The Eucharist, spiritual nourishment of divine life given to every baptised person must be received only by persons in a state of grace. People who fail to respect the Church’s indications in this respect and are not living a life coherent with the faith, commit a sin. The Bishop reminded those present of the importance and beauty of the sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation.
During the diocesan year of the rosary, Bishop Delfino arranged for four statues of Our Lady to visit parishes and homes throughout the dioceses. The initiative was very popular and the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary was welcomed everywhere with deep devotion and faith on the part of the people.
On 1 February, during the closing Mass presided by Bishop Delfino, two women Religious, Sister Marie-Joelle Bikowo and Sister Mariette Debolo, of the local congregation of the Daughters of the Jesus of Massac, made their perpetual vows.(L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 25/3/2004, righe 25 parole 275)