Rome (Fides Service)- Rev. Father Sergio Vandini, from Terni diocese in Italy, sent as a Fidei Donum priest to Ntambue, 10 km from Kananga, West Kasai, Democratic Republic of Congo, sent Fides a brief report on his life as a missionary. Here is our English translation of his message which we publish as an act of gratitude to all the missionaries working silently to announce with their lives the joy of the Gospel:
“ Ntambue Mission
Dear Friends,
I have just arrived back from 4 days in Kalomba, where I went on Thursday to give religious instruction in the school. The boy who helps me is in bed with a temperature. It rained heavily but all went well. I celebrated three Baptisms and blessed two twins at the altar, I took Communion to the sick, anointed the elders of the charismatic group and collected the village maize crop, which is small because the village is small. In the month of March I will take the mission jeep and drive around collecting maize from all the villages: we ask each family to offer a barrel of maize. We keep in it the store house and in the dry season it will be sold and the money put to the Community fund. This works quite well. But we have to weigh the maize otherwise people might want to eat some of it on the way…
African Blessing, Father Sergio”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 24/2/2004, righe 26 parole 239)