Rome (Fides Service)- “Eritrea is battling with the consequences of 4 successive years of drought and has still not recovered from the tragic war with Ethiopia” said a member of Caritas in Britain CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development which belongs to the Caritas Internationalis federation. In response Caritas Internationalis has launched an appeal for funds to help the people of Eritrea.
The most urgent needs are clean water, seed for farmers and medical care for millions of impoverished people.
As a result of the 1998-2000 war triggered by a border dispute, it is estimated that no less than 60,000 Eritreans live in camps and 35,000 are still in Sudan from where 100,000 returned in 2003. About 66% of Eritrea’s population of 4 million lives under the poverty line and 37% of these are in extreme conditions of need. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 18/2/2004, righe 17 parole 200)