Kinshasa (Fides Service) - The process of political transition in the Democratic Republic of Congo is too slow according to the Catholic Bishops. This was affirmed in a Message “For love of Congo, I will not be silent” addressed to the Catholics of Congo and to all men and women of good will at the end of a meeting of the Bishops’ Conference 9-14 February in Kinshasa. While agreeing that the process of transition has started, the Bishops underline the dark areas which still exist. The nation’s leaders appear to take no notice of the problems of the people on whom unjust sacrifices are imposed. Politicians seem more concerned with their own power than the good of the people: “We are grieved by the fact that instead of working for social development our national leaders assign social advantages to themselves openly demonstrating disinterest for the people’s wellbeing” the Bishops write. “Besides frequent travels and missions abroad, the advantages of which are unclear, leaders allow themselves a life style which is quite the opposite to the precariousness of our public finances. They are doing nothing to stop the corruption afflicting all state services and they are the only ones who benefit from the calm since the war”.
The Bishops denounce this unbalance which breeds in every sector of society widespread malcontent the gravity of which the government appears to overlook. “In the social field” the Bishops say, “we are sad to see that announced reforms have not occurred. They have shown themselves to be merely political promises for electoral gains ”.
“From the beginning the transition revealed the lack of qualification of certain people who gained power through the logic of consensus. In some institutions we see hesitation and insecurity which threaten to drag the country to ruin. We see power managed with inexpert hands and this will cost our Republic a high price ” the Bishops warn. “Too often the exercise of public functions has the semblance of a political campaign”.
The Bishops mention numerous recent accidents on railways, rivers, roads, in the air, and denounce the superficiality with which the leaders announced and acted in this regard. Their indifference, the Bishops say, reveals a profound crisis with regard to the significance of human life and its inviolability. Another sign of the moral crisis in Congo indicated by the Bishops is the lack of security which leaves the people at the mercy of bandits.
Democratic Congo is in a state of interim since a national unity government was installed on the basis of an agreement reached in Sun City (South Africa) in April 2003. The main job of the interim government is to prepare for political and presidential elections next year 2005. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 17/2/2004, righe 44 parole 547)